To the moon Page 7
The Pre-WhatsApp Era (Bombay)
My first contact with Bombay and the people that pretty much adopted me! #FriendsLikeFamily
Ashok Kurien: Yup, you guessed it, dad to two of my best friends and by far the coolest parent I’ve ever met. Mr K., as I call him (because Uncle Ashok just seemed too weird!), taught me that you must always wear your success with humility. Thank you for practically adopting me and for always believing I’d make it to the moon!
Diya Kurien Kapoor: Or as I see it, the one that got away. Lol. I know this usually applies in a romantic connotation, but you know how sometimes you wish you had held on tighter to some friends as well? The best thing about Diya – and what she has taught me – is that true friends can pick up right where they left off, without skipping a beat, no matter how much time has passed. And in the great words of DK #MoveItShakeItRockIt!
PS. My utterly epic twenty-fourth birthday brunch will forever be dedicated to you, Diya.
Devraj Sanyal: My personal Yoda, also part of the famous five brunch, where I met him for the first time and truly understood the concept of a larger-than-life personality. Devraj has taught me that it is completely possible to do the impossible every single day, you just must BELIEVE you can. Oh, and manage five jobs, work your ass off, have your own heavy metal band and live on an airplane! #Boss
Nikita Sanyal: aka Nikki, I seem to have good luck with people named Nikki! She was my first friend at Go92.5 FM. On my first day at work, she offered me a ride home for no reason at all and was one of the five people who came to my twenty-fourth birthday brunch having known me for barely a few weeks. Over the decade-and-a-half that I have now known her, I have learnt that there is true value in never giving up on some friendships, even if circumstance keeps you apart. Also, that uber-organized people will one day rule the world.
Priyanka Kurien: Often mistaken for Wednesday Addams (from The Addams Family) due to her entirely black wardrobe or Elsa from Frozen due to her sometimes ‘icy’ exterior and legendary eyebrow game. But truth be told, Priyanka has a heart of solid gold and is also pretty hilarious! She has taught me that everybody needs someone who will be their zero-judgement ‘panic police’. I could call her today and tell her that I’d committed a terrible crime and she’d send me back a *rolls-eyes’ emoji and say, ‘Okay, so how do we get you out of this?’
Pre-WhatsApp: Friday Club Reloaded
Friends I have made over the 10 years that Friday Club was my entire social world. I am proud to say so many of them went from acquaintances to pieces of my heart in record time.
Marv D’Souza: Marv has shown me, with great courage, what it’s like to wear your vulnerability on your sleeve. He has taught me that the universe shines through the cracks of people who appear broken when it’s just their bodies that can’t contain the love within.
Michael Delfs: While Nowshad was at HBS, Mikey was my trusted companion, bodyguard and emotional crutch. Mike taught me that it’s important to stop and spend quality one-on-one time with your best friend on a regular basis, and ideally do it with a weekend in Goa!
Rashmi Bajpai: My most flawlessly fashionable friend, who went from never having left the country saying, ‘I also want to travel the world and complain about Heathrow!’ to having become an incredible #bosslady and world traveller in her own right, has taught me that tough times don’t last, but tough people do. And that the greatest things come in small packages! #HumKitnaAcheHaiNaRashmi?
Saher and Bavidra Mohan: Bavidra, with a smile that could ignite a room, and Saher, with the uncanny coincidence of having studied at the same school as me in Ivory Coast, have taught me that sometimes helping someone deal with things is all about floating with them in silence, preferably in a 5-star jacuzzi! And guys, she looks a LOT like the Khaleesi from Game of Thrones.
Shaan Bhavnani: My first new Bombay pal, whom I met playing endless games of pool at our neighbourhood bar – Ghetto. Shaan is one of those people who can organize just about ANYTHING. From a midnight motorcycle convoy to Alibaug to human foosball on the beach! Shaan taught me that some people can pull of anything, find one and watch closely how it’s done. (I also learnt that it is possible to fit giant rectangular objects into triangular spaces if you just use a little creativity!) Thank you DJ FatBat for making Friday Club the epic-ness it was! I hope you know that we could never have done it without you.
Sheetal Vyas and Navraj Lehl: Are one of the most warm and loving couples on this planet. Plus, they have British accents, so what’s not to love? They have taught me the value of gratitude. That saying thank you and acknowledging someone’s love is the best gift you can give anybody.
Sonny and Preeti Caberwal: I met Sonny and Preeti at a fashion week and we somehow bonded immediately. You know when you feel like you’ve known someone for decades even though it’s only been a few days? That. Sonny is the reason we raised money for MissMalini to begin with. He’s has taught me (and proven!) that if you are generous with your time and resources, you can make anyone’s dreams come true. You just have to want to. Thank you, Sonny, I am forever in your debt.
Surelee Joseph: I don’t think I’ve ever met a model this unobsessed with her appearance. Surelee is one of those down-to-earth unicorns that only spreads love and good energy. She has taught me that you should never let your friendships get entangled in anyone else’s beef.
Sushil Charles and Mahesh Makhija: You know how sometimes you meet people who make you feel like your most fabulous self? Well, Sushil goes one further and makes me look like it too. Have you tried @smashhthesalon yet? Sushil and Mahesh have taught me that love, loyalty and encouragement are all you need to conquer the world.
PS. If you’re into cake, @weekend__baker is where it’s at!
Sujal Shah: Or the OB1 in my world – what up Star Wars reference! – came up to me years ago at a fashion week party and told me he was impressed and curious with what I was doing. Since then, he’s always been a mentor, believer and BFF. Sujal has taught me that confidence and networking make for a flawless formula for success.
PS. I hope one day we can revisit Coco Shambala and let it all go…
Tanmay Bahulekar: Creative cat, awesomely desi and ultra-foodie aka @BombayBhukkad. I discovered him during an Imps improve sketch where he hilariously acted out a day in my life, and I immediately sent him a Facebook friend request. He’s taught me that some people will kill for you. Just try not to make them do it.
Tom and Rebecca Dawes: Tom ‘the Candyman’ has taught me that you can have fun and work hard at the same time. In fact, the more seriously you take yourself, the less effectively you will do your job. Mrs Dawes has proven this twice over and makes me think that if everyone took themselves a little less seriously, there probably wouldn’t be any wars in the world; only giggles.
Sarika Motiani and Avinash Jagtiania: My fellow Bollywood dance junkie, Sarika, and Nowshad’s whiskey and conversation buddy, Avinash have taught me that spending quality two-on-two time leads to the most effortless and active conversations. And that Labradors are the best. #Sumo #Sativa
Vishal Bala: Someone I met at an oddly popular St Patricks Day celebration in Mumbai and who quickly turned into a lifelong friend. Vishal has taught me that remembering someone else’s special days for them makes them even more special (and that for some reason some boys can listen to ‘Yeke Yeke’ on repeat a thousand times and never get fed up of it!)
Some of my closest friends in the world and also at the bar!
Adhuna Akhtar: If you asked me to name a #bosslady I admire the f*uck out of, it would be Adhuna (aka Od). She’s taught me that, of course you can literally do anything you put your mind to, but what’s most important is challenging yourself to have new adventures (like climbing Everest base camp for your fiftieth birthday!)
Also, I have never heard anyone who laughs from the soul like she does.
Chetan Kapoor: My brother from another mother (and I mean that #rakhibrother). Che has taught me that sometimes it is perfectly alright to
sit in the lobby of a hotel, hold hands and cry. But mostly he’s taught me that there is immense value in being fiercely loyal. And that as far as he’s concerned, there is a pun for everyone!
Hiren Kakad: Aside from being the resident Bollywood hero of our tribe, Hiren has taught me that it IS completely possible to get through life never having said a single bad thing about anybody and still be cool as f*ck.
Huzaifa Lightwalla: He’s someone I often describe as a piece of my heart. Huzaifa is the most incredible combination of party central meets socially conscious. He has taught me that you can be deeply vested in the happiness of others and still have a blast living your life. #PositiveVibes (PS. He’s recently met his ‘Lightwalli, an adorable blogger herself known as Soul Kari. Congratulation, Huzi and thank you for the unicorn.)
Junelia Aguiar: J is just one of those people who exudes sunshine and warmth. The kind that wraps you up in love and makes you feel 100 per cent whole again. I’m also convinced that she’s an angel from another realm altogether. She has taught me that we all have the power within to heal ourselves, from anything. In fact, we have the power to heal everyone else too. #Reiki
Nitin Mirani: Mr Mirani is the shyest stand-up comedian I have ever met. But that’s part of his charm. He has taught me that some friends will make your family their family in a blink of an eye, because they care that much about you and that’s awesome.
Nowshad Rizwanullah: What can I say about Nowshad – (well, apparently anything as per my publisher. LOL) – he’s kind, uber smart (hello Yale AND Harvard!), funny, a master chef and a believer and supporter of dreams, even if they aren’t his. Hello CEO of our company and my heart. I’ve always marvelled at his ability to talk to anyone about anything and become truly immersed in the conversation. Nowshad has taught me that it is very important and immensely satisfying to be completely present when speaking with someone. He also keeps his promises; so in-your-face anybody who said he’ll never come back from Harvard and marry me, HA! PS. He also has EPIC Instagram game, check it out: @nirzwanu #FTW
Parul Kakad: It’s hard to describe my BFF/supermom-of-three, all-round wonder woman and eternal partner-in-crime, because you won’t believe she’s real unless you meet her! She has taught me to_live like Peter Pan, love unconditionally, and dance with reckless abandon. You can follow our #maliniandparul hashtag on Instagram if you want to see what THAT looks like! Oh, and I lovvvveeeee yoooouuuu, Parul! (To which she always replies ‘Tooooo!’)
Reshma Bombaywalla: Re has an amazing combination of poise and drama that I wish I could walk around with. She also is the most magnificent dancer – flashback to a ‘Kajra re’ performance at her wedding that I will never forget! She has taught me that if you sit up straight and live your life with confidence, you will surely make heads turn.
Rij Eappen: My original #partysoulmate, eternal optimist and social twin has taught me that you can and should reinvent yourself on a regular basis, even if it scares you and even if it means starting from scratch. Chances are you’re already following him on Instagram @kingofclubsin – chief instigator? Yup, he’s living the life you wish you were! Super power? Inexhaustibly charming. #Legend
Seema and Ajay Jaswal: I met these two at a bar by accident. Someone had yelled, ‘Who wants a tequila shot?’ and only two people raised their hands. Seema, you will forever be my tequila girl. Thanks for always adding salt to my life. Ajay, I feel like we’re the exact same person and that is both amazing and frightening at the same time! I believe that Seema and Ajay have shown me, without a doubt, that as far as possible, you should marry your best friend.
Shawn Fernandes: One of the sweetest guys I know (although I’m told he’s quite a player in other circles!) has taught me that you should never undervalue politeness and being attentive to other people’s needs. #shotyaar
I’ve known Malini before she became MissMalini. And I’ve told the world this and it’s been an amazing feeling to just watch her grow from where it started to where it is.
I used to do a segment called ‘Adventures of a Desi Mom’, which some of her readers used to enjoy and I loved seeing the joy on her face when she’d tell me how many hits my segment would get. Initially, I think she’d get 40 to 50 hits, which slowly kept increasing. After this I took a back seat and told her if she ever needed me, I’m right here. And now she gets 20 million hits or more!
It’s a wonderful feeling when you’re with a person from the start and watch them excel. It’s like she was born to do this. She’s always been a very disciplined and principled person and I’ve loved that about her. Her basic principle has been to never write anything negative about a person. But that’s worked for her brand only because she is the same in life. She’s always been clear and focused on what she wants. And she’s always done and got what she’s wanted.
She’s now become a doorstep to the social media heaven.
Meri MissMalini (it’s what I like calling her), never change and go reach for the stars. I love you.
The twenty-three people who dropped everything to celebrate my fortieth birthday on a cruise ship and made memories of a lifetime. (I’ve put the lessons from my party soulmates above and those from my family in a different blog, but they were very much on the cruise!)
Aaliya Jaffer: I continue to marvel at Aaliya’s insane ability to enjoy every moment of life with unparalleled and infectious enthusiasm! She has taught me that there is absolutely nothing wrong with dancing whenever, and wherever, you feel like it. (Apologies for the accidental Shakira reference, but I take that as a sign!)
Ami Kothari: Ami is one of those adorable people who makes an effort to get along with everyone. Even though as a single girl this isn’t always the most comfortable experience. Ami has taught me that stepping out of your comfort zone can be very rewarding.
Amit Keswani: Amit is my world’s most posh eligible bachelor. Not because he spends money on yachts and planes, but because he carries himself with a very James Bond-esque ease. Amit has taught me that whatever you choose do with your life, do it unapologetically and make it grand!
Arshiya Fakih Eappen: Eternal smiler and another supermom, has taught me that unicorns exist and Karma is everything.
Kaizad Bhabha: He has this devil-may-care chilled-outness about him that makes you think he knows something you don’t know. He has taught me that it is possible to trip on watching other people have a good time. Even if it is 11 a.m. the next day from your never-ending birthday party and you’re sleepy as F!
Katya: My brother’s tall, blonde, beautiful heart (and girlfriend) is someone I admire for her kindness and warmth. Katya has taught me that poets make the best lovers, and also the other way around probably.
Rashmi Chandra: My sister’s college BFF, who also became a cruise-ader with us nutjobs, taught me that it is easier to be chilled out in your 50s than you think, just don’t think so much!
Rishad Patel: Or ‘Uncle’ as I like to call him, has taught me that it’s your heart and you must always take care of it, because the world (or the buffet) may not. He also taught me that there’s nothing more satisfying than Sangria and scrabble on a Saturday afternoon!
Suved Lohia: Suved is the kind of person who will drop everything and come to your aid in the middle of the night if you send him a text. He’ll also drop everything and come on your birthday cruise! The one thing I’ve learnt from him is that the best thing you can do with access to power and influence is use it to help someone who needs it more than you.
Suj and Kruppa Koshy: What do you get when you combine a ball of crazy energy with a zero-stress personality? This couple! They’re new in my life but I’m keeping them forever! They have taught me that it is very rewarding to introduce new friendships into your lives no matter how old you are.
Tina Bedi: Tina started out as my weekend party pal but quickly turned into someone who relentlessly has my back for no apparent reason at all! I will never forget her telling off a random stranger in Starbucks – m
uch to their surprise – who was saying something mean about me. She has taught me that you should always stand up for your friends, especially when they’re not around.
Perhaps my most international crew, ex-pats who chose to live in India (specifically Bandra) for a time and now are scattered across the globe.
Akash and Heena Jain: These two showed me that it is possible to live in complete harmony, even after turning your entire lives upside down. From moving to India, to having two kids here, I’ve seen them embrace it all with zero fear and lots of seven-layered dip. Also, another very important lesson – if you really want to leave a party, don’t say goodbye; just pull a ‘Heena Houdini’ and disappear.
Andrea Brown and Chef Kelvin: Andrea and Kelvin have taught me that it is worth showing your love every day, even if it’s in goofy little ways. Also, that sometimes all it takes is a personalized post-it to make someone smile. #10ThousandWatts of friendship!
Caleb and Anisha: There’s something about intrinsically happy people that is so infectious you can feel it tingle in your bones. When I am around people like this I feel a giddy sense of euphoria. Caleb has taught me that if in any given situation you aren’t able to laugh out loud, you’re in the wrong situation.
Karan Wadhera: Karan is the one who planted the seed that started the blog. Aside from being an idea factory for everyone, he also sings brilliantly and has Snoop Dogg on speed dial. In fact, he’s the man behind the Akshay Kumar–Snoop Dogg collaboration! (Yup, can I get a Singh is King anyone?) Karan has taught me that there really is a way to turn your passion into your life. Find it. Do it. Live it. Carpe Diem.